Transferring your Domain Name from Namecheap to Go Daddy
We recently had 2 domains sitting by themselves in a account. While we are all for diversification, we felt we were losing money whenever it was time to renew. We have many domains at, so whenever we renew of a set, and we use coupon codes to get a discount (you can use coupon code cjc30c at GoDaddy on your next order).
So, today, we decided it was time to transfer our two lone domains from NameCheap to GoDaddy. GoDaddy charges about $8 per domain, but gives you 1 extra year of registration on top of what you have left. When you add the discount, it comes out to very cheap.
It must be said that we’ve never had a problem with namecheap for the 3+ years we had our domains there. Plus we’ve always liked the fact that they don’t try to up-sell you a bunch of stuff like GoDaddy does every time you renew. However, we decided to transfer out because it’s easier to manage all our domains from one place.
Here are the steps you need to take:
- Log in into your Account
- Make sure the domain names you want to transfer have a valid admin email you have access to (My Account–>Manage Domains–>Edit Selected)
- Go to
- Purchase the Transfer Domains option on GoDaddy for each domain you want to transfer
- Log back in into your Account
- In your NC account, unlock each domain you’re transferring (My Account–>Manage Domains–>Edit Selected–>Registrar Lock–>Release the registrar lock)
- On that same page, you’ll see the following line “Related: Planning to transfer out this domain? Get EPP code if required.”
- Click on Get EPP Code (NameCheap will email you your Authorization Code for the transfer)
- By now, you’ve received a bunch of emails from GoDaddy, including one with a Transaction ID and Security Code for each domain you’re transferring
- Log in your GoDaddy Account
- Go to Domain Manager
- In the Domain tab at the top, select pending transfer
- Select the Domains listed for transfer and select Begin Transfer Authorization which appears in the drop down menu when you click on the black Authorization button at the right of the screen
- Enter the Transaction ID and Security Code for each domain
- Enter the Authorization Code (the EPP Code that you should have received by email from NameCheap)
- Click on Submit
- Wait a minute and refresh the Domain Manager page, the progress column should say 3 “Accepting the transfer.” and the Recommended Action “Accept transfer with current registrar”: you need to wait for NameCheap to send you an email asking you whether you accept to complete the transfer
- Click the link in that email and select the accept transfer option.
Based on ICANN rules, they have up to 5 days to accept; this delay allows to prevent fraud transfers (or to change your mind). But they will usually send you an email within 1 day asking you whether you whether you accept the transfer.
That’s it, that’s all, your domain(s) will now be in your GoDaddy Account.